h4. Now at last a method to get the kids to eat endives! h5. Here is a simple and delicious recipe with Swiss endives and GRTA cooked ham from the “Boucherie du Palais”, freshly cut in slices. h5. For the bechamel: # 1. Melt 30g of butter in a pan. Remove the pan from heat and add 30g of flour. # 2. Pour milk (approx. 50cl.) progressively whilst stirring to prevent lumps. # 3. Return on the fire at a low heat and allow to thicken. h5. For the endives: # 1.Bleach the endives in boiling water for about 10/15 minutes. # 2. When cooked, envelope each endive with a slice of ham, place into a fire proof dish previously buttered. h5. Final stage: # 1. Cover with the bechamel sauce and sprinkle generously with grated Gruyère cheese. # 2. Cook in the oven, option grill, for approx. 15/20 min. until well browned. h4. We are grown up children and we too adore this recipe! Attention: the flour and the grated Gruyère cheese are not included in the pack but are available on the website.