Peel the garlic cloves. Remove the leaves from the thyme, rosemary, mint and parsley.
Chop aromatic herbs and garlic very finely. Season with salt and pepper and oil the mixture thoroughly.
Make deep cuts in the leg in 6 or 7 different places. Insert strips of butter in each incision and rub the meat with the oil, herbs and garlic mixture.
Place the lamb shoulder in an oiled ovenproof dish. Sprinkle with 6 tablespoons of olive oil and place in the oven for 1.5 hours, basting regularly with the cooking juices.
When the meat is cooked, let it rest. Deglaze the cooking juices with the white wine and reduce for 5 minutes over high heat.
It is ready!
The MagicTip: Accompanied by small fried potatoes and a salad, this dish is a real treat. The white wine can be replaced by the same amount of vegetable broth and the juice of a lemon without any problem.