Stunted Charolais beef rib of about 750g. Dry-aged on bone for 5 weeks at the butcher's. The Charolaise is a French cattle breed originating from the Charolles region in Burgundy.
Conservation: To consume within 2-3 days maximum. Keep refrigerated. Be careful not to put the meat in direct contact with other meat/food.
Boucherie du Palais
La Boucherie du Palais à Carouge sélectionne des produits dans les fermes genevoises et...
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Minute" prepared minced beef of Charolais breed (France) of about 500g. Superior quality selected by the butcher. The Charolaise is a French cattle breed originating from the Charolles region in Burgundy.
Preservation: To consume the same day. To keep in the refrigerator. Be careful not to put the meat in direct contact with other meat/food. Cook to perfection.
Boucherie du Palais
La Boucherie du Palais à Carouge sélectionne des produits dans les fermes genevoises et...
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